Sunday, September 27, 2009

yeeaayy, magazine submission khatam!!

n e ways this is important now.. for the short notes of IRJ, we need to now circulate all the info v have for our invidual soni presentations. let us put them up on the blog so that we can start studying IRJ. its a 3 mark short note, so put enough material to fill up one page. put info about your respective newspapers and editors. ASAP.. thanks..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


People, here is a list of stories that we have still not received to edit..This is based on the list isha put up last.. Pls chk n let us know if these stories are hapning...cuz we need to edit n give it for printing asap..thanks




Mood piece- A PIECE ON TICKET COLLECTORS (mili)(1)

Cyclists (jaydeep)(2) ( I guess this has changed to the Bombay transport one)

batatyachi chawl (mili)(1

vallu's mom on interior (mili)(1)

EVENT LISTING(deanna)(1)

Dabba food(deanna)(2)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


people, please make sure you send in pictures WITH your stories..And also, you'll will need to come up with titles, and headings, and if necessary captions.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Guys, please please please try and get done with your stories today if possible.. so far, we've only got 4 articles from isha, 2 from dhwani, 2 from mili and 1 from jaydeep to edit.. we need to finish editing by tomorrow since submission is on tuesday..


Friday, September 18, 2009

good news! good news!

ok guys, the word count per page is now reduced to 500-650 with one picture. please write your articles accordingly :D

Thursday, September 10, 2009

abdul's fwd notes

ok guys please dont get freaked out, all the questions and exam related stuff which jaydeep has forwarded to the inbox is kept in a folder safely called "study material" so that it is easy for us to locate things. :D

Monday, September 7, 2009


umm.. trouble!.. word count is scary.

the word count per page, without pictures and quotes is approxiamately 1600 words per page. that is if we follow the font size of outlook at front line which is 8.

so when we put in pictures and quotes and designing and stuff it will come upto 1100 to 1200 words per page. so.. write the articles accordingly


dear edit team, please check the mail box, i have mailed a few of my articles. !

dear all of us, please start mailing the articles to the mail box so that edittin work can start.!

all articles have to be mailed to :

jaihind jai maharashtra.

mee marathi zee marathi!

Friday, September 4, 2009


THE ARTICLES SHOULD BE MAILED TO THE CLASS EMAIL ID: with the subject "Edit" so that it becomes easy for the editors to pick them



here is the final list of sections, their content articles, their page count and the name of the writers.

Cover Story: THE BIG MUMBAI LET DOWN- (mili)(4)
WILL THE MUMBAIKAR ( deannarachael)(3)

Profiling Communities: JEWISH (binny)(2)

pick of town: MAGIC TOUCH (dhwani)(3)

unsung heroes: SAILESH MISHRA(isha)(1)

Mood piece- A PIECE ON TICKET COLLECTORS (mili)(1)
ART OF CRIBBING (binny)(1)

development story: Water Harvesting (mili)(2)
Cyclists (jaydeep)(2)

Sports: Malakham (isha)(2)
Horse Racing(rachael)(2)

Review- Karaoke (binny)(1)
Band (daniel)(1)
batatyachi chawl (mili)(1)
english book (rachael)(1)

Haqueeqat - film review (isha)(1)

lifestyle- bombay style profiling (shilpa)(2)
vallu's mom on interior (mili)(1)

Education- UN story (dhwani)(2)
different schools (dhwani)(2)

Finance- one story on the stock market, a follow up on some scam (outsourced, dhwani)(2)

Health- post pregnancy(deanna)(2)
one more story(shilpa)(2)

Travel- Lohagadh(mili)(2)
some place (jaydeep)(2)

Ouch- bollywood (daniel)(2)
Ad industry (binny)(2)

Food- Food after 12 (dhwani)(2)
Dabba food(deanna)(2)

ONE STORY ON MOTLEY THEATER (binny)(dhwani)(3)


EVENT LISTING(deanna)(1)

RED LIGHT AREA(binny)(2)


1 CROSSWORD - Janhavi

1 SMALL QUIZ ABOUT MUMBAI- all of us need to come up with questions, post them in the comments and we'll final out some 5 questions.

2 comic strips- Harry and Daniel


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Suspension of classes

From now on, there will not be any more lectures in magazine journalism. For the second time in six weeks, there was just one person in class today and it doesn't make sense for me to waste my time over a bunch of people who are disinterested, indisciplined, seem to lack focus and the willingness to slog and are happy to live in a world of their own understanding without the need for perspective.
On the project front, it seems you guys are capable of pulling off the magazine on your own, so good luck with that. On the professional front, there isn't much to be said about people who value opinion above research and facts.
p.s.: Don't bother apologising. If anything, you owe Sudhakar Sir an apology for embarrassing him like this.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

2 new sections are added to the mag-
health- pregnancy care is one of the stories
2.and the other is how the sea affect's people's health-
likee morning sickness for ex.

travel- places for weekend getaways

Also, 3 to 4 articles which do not fall under any particular section will be added in case we need to fill in space.

-a separate section (named ouch!)for the critical review has been cancelled.
also,names of certain sections have been changed, like building blocks has been finalised for education.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Story List and details

Ok, again, today a few stories were finalized. These are still waiting sir's approval, but this is what I have as of now.

Cover Story:
"The Big Mumbai Let-Down" (The main piece- 2 pages)
" 'Activism' In Mumbai" (Interview 1 page)
"Why The Mumbaikar Won't Fight Back" (Debate 1 page)
Profiling communities:
"The Jewish Community" (2 pages)
Pick Of Town:
"The Magic Touch" (2 Pages)
Unsung Heroes:
Shailesh Mishra (2 Pages)
Mood Piece:
Railway, T.C. related humorous piece (2 Pages)
"Pedestrians/Cyclists" (4 pages)
"Water Harvesting" (2 pages)
"Mallakham" (Hope the spelling is right) (3 pages)
"Sports Snippets" (1 page)
needs to be sorted out in class. (2-3 pages)
"Style Profiles" (4 pages)
some other piece
"UN Story" (2 pages)
"Different School" (1 Page)
"Beginner's giude to the BSE/ Investment" (2 pages)
Puzzles/cartoons etc. (1 page)
Event Listing (1 page)

This is what I have. Please throw suggestions and keep a copy of this with you. We need a lot more content. Considering the above, we have 34-35 pages of content. throw in the covers, edit note, contents and we just about touch 40. say another 5 for advertisements. what else?

Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm sorry for the delay, but here are some more details about the magazine.

Firstly, here are the departments each person is expected to handle:
1. Editorial team; Daniel, Shilpa, Rachel (Sub-editor)
2. Design; Isha (website to be handled by Jaydeep)
3. Marketing; Dhwani, Binny
4. Advertising; Jaydeep
5. Photography; Maithili
All departments will require aids from the class but the mentioned people are the co-ordinators.
Deanna still is not assigned any task. That needs to be looked into.

Some things to be done:
1. Primary importance for finalizing a name.
2. Isha and Jaydeep need to sit together and decide on the look of the magazine in hard copy and online which includes the logo, sections, themes colour schemes etc.
3. I need to sit with the Editorial team and finalize the content and stories and list out the pictures that need to be taken.
4. Once the above mentioned tasks are done, we need to design a timeline, assigning stories, pictures, editing tasks etc and fixing deadlines.

Here are the sections to be worked on: (I'm giving them names, just to be brief)
1. Cover Feature: This will include the cover story of around 3 pages. (We'd zeroed down to 'The Big Mumbai Let-Down' This will evolve around the short-lived euphoria of anything that happens in Mumbai.)There will be an interview of a page. ('Activism' in Mumbai.)Then there will be the debate section of another page. (Why a mumbaikar will not fight back)
2. Mumbaikars: Story of a citizen who has been doing something exemplary in the city. Could be anyone; charity doctor, door step school teacher etc.
3. People: Profile of lesser known communities in the city.
4. Pick of Town: The Best place to learn/ do something. Like, best place to learn jive or yoga etc.
5. City Stories: the usp of this feature is the writer. Given to one columnist, this will be a mood piece about life in the city
6. Reviews: There will be four; one of a regional book (classic), An English book, One local band and perhaps one other thing (Could be food)
7. Development story: Infrastructure related.
8. Sports story: Sportsrelated (Duh!)
9. Lifestyle: Could be a piece on inexpensive ways of making your interiors look good or something.
10. Finance: Piece by professional on how to manage ur finances or the ABC of the stock market.
11. Education :Piece on courses happening with the university or something.
12. Puzzles etc: I'm not explaining this!

suggestions... PLEASE!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The naming ceremony....

We've gotta name the magazine. Here are a few names that came up:
salt city
salt street
bun maska

i'll add more as they come, but please think and comment.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Updates on magazine

Today in class, much thought was given to the class project of making a magazine. Several things were discussed revolving mainly around the theme of the magazine and the target group. A few things were broadly decided: the age group of the reader was fixed to be between 18 to 35. The income group being high, above 30,000 per month. The language of the reader was decided to be english and hindi and they would be residents between bandra and borivali. The frequency of publication would be once a month. Though Almost all this is still open to change and can be talked over, it is widely advisable to keep these in mind when thinking about the content. In the content, though nothing concrete has been decided, sections were talked over. One could be a reader generated event listing. Another section could be the profiling of the lesser known communities of the city. Another suggestion was of covering the best places to learn different things in town, like the best dance classes, gymnastic trainers etc. Another section would be profiling extraordinary people working in the city etc. There could also be a feature dedicated to stories from the railways, since a lot of interesting stories emerge from the locals. There obviously is the section for the cover story. Again, these were only briefly discussed today so there is a lot of room for work. The people in charge of marketing are to pay careful attention to details of the magazine in order to be able to propose a promotional campaign. There is also a website and an e-version to be thought about. For further discussion, a greater attendance will be prefered since a lot of decisions require class opinion. Hope to see everyone at 8 tomorrow for further deliberation on the project.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

attention Ms Rachna Shetty !!:P

hi maam
this post is just to tell u how extremly stupid we behaved today. and how extremely sorry we are for causing the inconvienience to u. we know maam that u are going to a real big extent to teach us this subject and that u really dont have the need for it .. but we really appreciate your effort and we are extremely grateful to have u as our teacher. this is a promise thatw e make u to today that we will never ever repeat this mistake ever , and that if we ever dare to repeat this u have the liberty to whip us ( with as many blows u feel like ).. but maam sincerely sorry for the trouble we caused and we just wanted to know that , we really enjoy your lecture , and that we are not just writing this down to make u feel good. but that we really like your lecture. we know we have been acting like losers in your class and that u have evry right to be angry on us .. but this we promise we wont dare to repeat the same mistake twice .. promise.
so we ill be there on time in good numbers for your next lecture. and will work hard to live upto your expectations .
yours faithfully
TYBMM journo class.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Reading the magaines online might at times prove to be very tedious but I personally would not mind going through articles and magazines online. OUTLOOK happens to be very much like the hard copy and gives the reader the same feel as would the printed copy( the only difference being lack of mobility). The archival section is definitely a plus when comparing the online edition to the hard copy. It makes work very convenient and is great for future reference at any point of time. the same goes out for most online nagazines.But one has to agree that when it comes to reading articles as long as the 33000 words piece(as discussed in class), i would definitely run to the news stands!!

My Observations

As was told in class, I chose to observe the online versions of the following magazines:

The National Geographic:
To say the least, the site is interactive. And by this, I don't mean the National Geographic general site, but the site for the magazine. It has the content from the current issue but it also offers users the facility of uploading their own pictures and has picture contests. There are opinion polls too. There are picture puzzles which are quite interesting. There is a lot that one can explore on the site, including the archives. It is also visually very pleasing. The advertisements are selectively placed so that they merge with the rest of the page in terms of appearance as well as content. Keeping in mind that it caters to a well defined niche, it has amazing appeal for its category

The Outlook:
The page for the magazine has almost the same look and feel as the hard copy of the magazine. Not too interactive, it has all the content from the current issue and access to the archives on the right of the page; prominent among them being the last issue and the issue from 10 years ago.other than that, it has links to the other Outlook publications like The Traveller etc. Pretty straight forward and information based, without too much ado. One may find it lacking in energy. 

The Economist:
Again, like The Outlook this e-edition is also a reflection of its printed edition. All the contents of the current issue are arranged section wise with links to the main article. There are no advertisements on the page other than those of its online debate series and one advertisement for for The Financial Times. One may find it lacking in energy too but considering that this publication targets an elite population, it shouldn't be a problem. Though there is no direct link to archives, there are a series of links on the left of the page which provide sufficient tools for research.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Economist Magazine

What do you think of this?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Things you need for tomorrow

Please bring your own pair of scissors and glue sticks. No fighting in class...